Schools, teachers, parents and those who feel the same as me that children’s health and wellbeing is just as important as their academic achievements. This short video should make you smile. As part on my Join in June campaign I visited this school, Holme Valley Primary after they organised a shout out for me. I loved the post that much that I had to go all the way to Scunthorpe to visit. I was blown away by the schools ethos, energy and commitment to give all children a positive happy experience at school. The head Mrs Rachel Stephenson was amazing. With almost 420 pupils I got to be taught and join in a dance routine to Shakira and even learnt to floss. They do the routines twice a day. Led by the sports ambassadors (with the help of Mr Fish). They know 2 routines. All staff join in the routine to encourage the children. Staff have done training in ‘Write Dance’ that incorporates the crossing over the body actions and what the younger children do in the reception classes. There is lots of peer mentoring of older children teaching younger children and playtime buddies. I could go on and on about this school and probably will keep adding to this post, but I came away buzzing and so pleased to have witnessed such a positive place for children to grow. The children were so happy and it put a massive smile on my face and still does. Please comment, tag people and share. Let’s get message out there.