This was my Ride London 46 experience as an ambassador for PruGoals. I am not going to lie that at points I hated it! Not because of the ride or the distance but because of the weather. We have recorded, record high temperatures across the UK. But on a day when the sun would have been a very welcome gesture with a warm breeze, we were welcomed with wind and rain and rain and more rain! We were soaked. I moaned as I hate the cold and being cold but the team were in good spirits so we cracked on! I’m so chuffed to be part of a programme that gave 500 young people a chance of a life time. Not only to get to do Ride London and keep the bike but to lean so much about a sport that I now really enjoy myself and also to learn about themselves as individuals. Road safety, bike maintenance, nutrition and team work were all part of the programme and through it we believe they gained other skills such as resilience, confidence, perseverance and commitment. It’s been a long journey for some but with the help of some great athlete mentors from the Dame Kelly Holmes Trust and the support of four other charities which were the Transformation Trust, Greenhouse Sports, Centrepoint and Teach First we had a fab day.